Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Dan and the Pit

Dan gently lifted the panicked, bleeding pit bull dog off his truck. A quick bump of his hip against the rickety back door to the shelter found him standing in front of the metallic table used for emergency deliveries. The time was , and he silently wished he had chosen to cut out early rather than decide to make one last swing through the park. His brain flashed back to the dark forested corner where he caught a quick flicker of movement as he casually cruised by, hoping to finish off his evening with a quick checkout and peaceful drive home to his loving family. Lisa who warmed his soul and made him cherish each moment of their existence together. Then there were Jared and Frankie, their 3-year twins so much alike that he often confused them for one. And, of course, there was Maggie, their mixed breed mutt and Smudge and Sandy their shelter found cats. A family he could relate to, a family he truly loved. But this minute was urgent, his thoughts were needed here, his family would have to wait.

The pit looked up at him with pained soulful eyes. The choke chain collar, long ago claimed his neck as a young pup and now fully grown claimed his life as it slowly choked the life from him, as it cut deeply into his raw, dirt encrusted muscle, slowly allowing nature to go on a rampage and begin its attempt at healing, by growing new skin over torn flesh and choke chain.

Don't you worry fella, I'm gonna get you some help. He punched hard on the metallic button bell, announcing their arrival, and waited impatiently as the duty bound late night receiver, Fred, stuck out his head to welcome them. Frowning and anguished at the scene before him, he quickly grabbed some clean towels, a pair of pliers, and some antiseptic from the nearby shelf.

Motioning to Dan, who responded by gently hugging the big pit closer to his chest, eyes scrunched in disbelief, Fred slowly, gently slid the pliers under the section of chain that was still accessible, above skin level. Gathering strength he crunched down, slowly shadowing a smirk, as he felt the chain link crack and splinter. Eyeing each other they slowly slipped fingertips under the chain, under skin, and with a daring flash jerked hard and out. The chain tore swiftly and hard, rending flesh, blood and muscle to the floor. A quick swatch of antiseptic and a gentle towel completed the job.
Pressing against each other Dan and the pit bonded as one, entrusting each other with release, hope and wonder at how a human could be so cruel, so determined to destroy, so inhumanely capable of doing such harm to a living, loving creature.
Dan, Fred, and the pit sat silently.  Eyes closed, praying for restraint, Dan's heart and soul slowly, quietly grieved. Silently, a wet sloppy tongue lapped his nose, once, then again. Turning, he repeated the exercise on Fred's face, nose, eyes, mouth. 

We forget, they forgive.

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